Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thats not a mess

Its the creative mind at work. No actually its mostly a mess. After a weekend away our house is always a disaster on Mondays. The drive home is so long that by the time we are here unloading the car is well... it's half assed. Drag the crap into the nearest doorway and call it done. Add to that, that no matter how little we take with us we always come home with a car load. What can I say people like to buy my deliciously cute little girls things. What they really need is an extra room to put all these things in.

Anyway, went way off track there. I decided that my next quilt had to be pinwheels and after reading way too many quilting blogs I stumbled upon this awesome tutorial/quilt a long.
(I tried to make that clickable for you, but I am blogger inept.)

Its completely perfect for a newbie like me. So I picked a color scheme and went to Joanns. Yes yes I know Joanns blech. I'm POOR and my town doesn't have a quilt shop. Cut me some slack. The selection in my desired color scheme was abysmal at best. But I'm going to make it work. (Tim Gunn) So tonight I'm cutting out my two Block Ones. I'm excited about this so it may get to skip ahead in the too sew pile.

We shall see. Now if only I could get my ass in gear and get more than the bare minimum done around here I wouldn't feel so bad about taking a day to just sew sew sew.

M is asleep so mommy code dictates that I sleep now or forfeit my right to bitch about being tired tomorrow. I choose sleep!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jillian Michaels is kicking my butt...

Got to get this body of mine back into shape. Baby is half to blame, and the other half is me eating massive amounts of crap to keep myself awake after baby. Going to sign up for the Frankfort Trifecta, and the first race is March 17th. So umm yea barely over a month away. I have got to get on the ball... or eliptical. Ha Ha

I've been doing the 30 day shred video for the last week and holy moly. The first couple days I hurt soo bad. Soo bad. I'm still not doing great but I'm doing and thats what really counts. Tommorow I think I'll see how hard I can go on the elipitcal for 30 minutes and just alternate between the two exercises. And maybe if it decides to be unseasonably nice out and M decides to be unseasonably well behaved, then I can get out and actually run a bit.

Go me!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh my crap!!

2 post in one day! Why Yes because I just have to share


I stumbled upon this site earlier: Wow so I guess I should start saving now because I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to have ALL of these. Squeee! Want Want Want!

I'm not dead yet...

Yea I'm still here. Been sewing up some of the little easy to mark off the list type thing. Made Miriam a sleep sack since she's gotten too big for her swaddler. Also tested a new pattern from Bonnie at Its a romper and coveralls and they are awesome. I want to sew up a few more but my snap thinger is terrible. I need to upgrade and get some dies for my press. Plus my sewing list is still 5 miles long.

I've got several things cut out and waiting for me to sew them. And then I've got several more all planned out and laying on the table to be cut. It's a sickness I tell you. A SICKNESS.

Anyway just wanted to post since I hadn't for a while. And I wish I had pictures but the camera and I have been having some disagreements. Like, for instance, I want it to take a picture that doesn't look like shit. And it wants me to ... well I don't know what it wants and I think that's the problem. Grah!