Saturday, March 12, 2011

I blame the flu

Yes thats right I blame me not posting for a month on the flu. Wow it really has been a month.
I think it was the next morning after that post I woke up with a terrible migraine and fevers. I called Nate home from work and when he finally got home (each minute was like an eternity) I went to my room and began wharfing. Ahh sick... so so so much fun. I stayed there my bed for about a week. And then felt like crap for another 2. Then I was just too darn lazy to come blog. Oh that and the rest of the family took turns getting sick as well. But not M, she was protected by Super Mama Milk!

I've accomplished amazingly little for a month to have gone by. My squares are all cut out and laying on the ironing board. I dont know that I've even sewn anything of consequence. I replaced some elastic in the legs of an old diaper. I need to do the back as well but not sure how to get in there. I hemmed 3 sides of a wrap. And now I'm thinking it's too long and I should cut about 12" off, maybe more. Annnddd.... I think thats it. Wow, thats terrible. I have so many things cut out and they're just kind of piling up.

This Thursday is a 2k or a 3k (I'm not sure which and I'm too lazy to look it up)that I had planned on running in. However between my being sick and not training like I should've and the addition of 2 little girls, I will not be. (I'm sorry that sentence is formated so terribly. I'm so sleepy right now.) Instead I will be walking and pushing the littles and doing every trick in the mama book to keep M from screaming her head off.

M is an angry elf.